We have combined a diversified group of first generation entrepreneurs across the SAMENA region with investment professionals who are based in London, Dubai, Mumbai
and Mauritius.
Samena Capital Management LLP
21–22 Grosvenor Street
London, W1K 4QJ
United Kingdom
T: +44 207 319 7600
F: +44 207 319 7699
E: info@samenacapital.com
Samena Capital Investments Ltd
Regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority
14th Floor, South Tower,
Emirates Financial Towers, DIFC
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
T: +971 4436 4900
F: +971 4436 4901
E: infodubai@samenacapital.com
SC India Manager Private Limited
Office 815, C Wing, One BKC
G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051
T: +91 22 6129 6600
F: +91 22 6654 1881
E: info@samenacapital.com
Samena Capital Mauritius Management
Licenced by the Financial Services Commission
The Business Exchange (Mauritius) Limited
Ground Floor, 1 Exchange Square
Ebene, Mauritius
T: +971 4436 4926
E: info@samenacapital.com